Paul Oxton – Founder/CEO
Paul spent a portion of his childhood living on a farm in South Africa, enjoying the life every boy can only dream of – exploring the countryside, hiking for miles in search of elusive critters, catching and releasing snakes and frogs, and generally soaking up the fresh air and sunshine.
He went on to finish his education in England before moving to the United States. Paul spent the next several years working in Finance, Corporate Management, and gaining a wealth of Business Management experience though owning and running his own businesses along the way.
But his heart would always beat to the rhythm of an African drum. He passionately loves Africa and all Wildlife, and returned to South Africa in 2008, this time to stay.
Paul’s corporate background serves him well during the intricate management of a Non-Profit in South Africa. His heart was never in an office anyway – it was always with the animals, right here in the dusty, gorgeous, wild, African bush.
In early 2011, Paul started raising international awareness of specifically Rhino Poaching in South Africa. Supporting many other organizations, his awareness work made a massive impact during the years when the plight of Wildlife really needed to be highlighted in the international arena. His passion for African Wildlife permeates his entire life, and the early years of his awareness work has resulted in his artwork being used worldwide in protests and peaceful gatherings pleading for the protection of wildlife.
And when the time was right, he decided to form a Non-Profit Organization, so that he could do even more to directly help the African Wildlife. This was the start of Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation.
An artist at heart, Paul is an avid Wildlife Photographer, having sold his work all over the world. He is responsible for the gorgeous wildlife photographs, the beautifully edited videos, and all the artwork and graphics for Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation. Paul is equally at home addressing hundreds of people during public speaking events, and physically working on the ground with the animals, in the dust, mud and dirt. No animal is too big and no critter too small for this man. He loves them all, and will work for hours to save the life of every single one. He will drive through the night to rescue an animal in danger of being killed. He will not quit until the animal is safe. His soft heart and determined nature is what makes him one of the strongest men fighting for the future of wildlife today.
Paul's T-shirt designs in aid of WHWF, mostly for the international market, can be viewed here.
Of all his quotes, the most well-known, is undoubtedly the following:
“Only when the last of the Animals' Horns, Tusks, Skin and Bones are Sold, will Mankind realize that Money can never buy back our Wildlife.” - Paul Oxton
Paul can be contacted on wildheartwildlife@gmail.com or +27 (0)72 478 1808

Carina Crayton (aka CJ Carrington) – Co-Founder
Born and bred on a small farm in South Africa, Carina has always been a child of Nature. When other children had parties, she talked to trees and flowers and brought home stray animals.
After obtaining a post-graduate qualification in Agriculture, she spent a few years in Local Government as Landscape Architect and Construction Manager, but soon grew tired of the eternal office work. She left local government to pursue her own interests. Having run her own businesses for two decades, she built up an excellent background in Business, Sales and Financial Management. She believes strongly in work ethic, and has trained hundreds of people in various fields, from chainsaw operation to self-sufficient food farming.
Her special area of interest is returning over-grazed and incorrectly maintained veld to an indigenous, sustainable condition to benefit wildlife biodiversity. A deep understanding of how plants and trees function, means that she is naturally drawn to this field.
Better known on Social Media under her Nom de Plume, CJ Carrington, she is a published poet and behind-the-scenes author of several news articles relating to sensitive Environmental issues like rhino and elephant poaching. Her Poetry reflects a deep understanding of her subject, and she can make you feel all the emotions associated with it. She can make words do magic.
She is responsible for the Administration, Financial Record-keeping, Organizational Compliance and some of the Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation text and stories you read. An amateur photographer, she is also responsible for a lot of the work footage used in WHWF projects. With just enough OCD to make her packing skills exemplary, she can make an impossible mountain of equipment fit into the field vehicle, with room to spare. When on a packing mission, it’s often best to just leave her be.
Carina is happiest when doing something practical to help an animal, or just enjoying the beauty that the South African bush has to offer. Her natural empathy and compassion is handy in determining where to help next.
She is a Breast Cancer survivor, and writes extensively about her experiences as a State Patient, helping countless others understand and navigate the Healthcare system in South Africa.
Equally at home behind a microphone, on stage hosting events, teaching sustainable organic farming, and working hands-on with the animals in the bush, Carina is a strong, practical woman in Conservation, and a valuable asset to Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation.
Carina has developed a range of amazing steel art products for the South African market that aid in fundraising for WHWF. The range can be viewed here. International supporters can check out her range of Wildlife merchandise here.
Her favourite quote is a challenge: "What have you done for this irreplaceable planet, its garden & animals, entrusted to you?" - CJ Carrington
Carina (CJ) can be contacted on wildheartwf.info@gmail.com or +27 (0)83 588 3550